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Whether you run an office that occupies multiple floors in multiple buildings, or just a quarter of a floor in a certain structure downtown, you will always have to hire office cleaning services.

Despite the fact that you would invest in garbage cans to be placed at every desk, and make a “CLAYGO” (Clean As You GO) policy, you cannot expect your staff to fully clean up after themselves because it just is not part of their job description.  They have other items on their to-do lists.

Still, hiring office cleaning services could be considered as money well spent because it helps you on multiple levels.  Here are a few benefits of hiring office cleaning services :

1)    Increasing your appeal – imagine yourself as a client meaning to hire an accounting firm.  You enter the office of your potential firm just to see trash on the desk of each employee, and garbage overflowing from their trash bins.  Think you would hire that firm?  I definitely would not, because if the firm cannot take care of their office, how can I expect them to take care of my numbers?

This does not just apply to clients looking for office cleaning services.  People looking for jobs would also look at the cleanliness of the office that they would be working in.  If you run an office that is not as clean as the rest, you may not be able to get the best hires, and that would translate into you not becoming the best firm.

2)    Build trust through consistency – having office cleaning services come in on a daily basis would ensure that you have clean cubicles daily.  This means that when your existing clients come in, they would not see anything out of place, and would be able to believe that you can handle client information and not misplace it.  Not only do you attract new clients, but also keep those you already have.

3)    Safe work environment – you have seen those comedy shows where people slip on papers, and just create a mess out of whichever desk they land?  It might be funny on the big screen, but you would not laugh when it happens in your office.  You could lose a lot of time to sort out papers that fly around, and you could also lose staff to accidents.  Keeping the office clean with office cleaning services would ensure that everything is kept in place, and this would lessen the potential accidents that could happen in the workplace.

4)    Improve employee morale – ever try working at a beat up desk that seems as if it has not been cleaned in ages?  When this happens, you tend to get distracted easily by the dirt and stains on the desk, and you spend time cleaning these things, and at the same time you use any reason you have to get away from your desk.  With office cleaning services, you will get the desks on your people cleaned up, and they will be able to devote their time to becoming productive, instead of looking at the distractions that would keep them away from their job.

Cleanliness brings about peace of mind, which in turn increases productivity.  This is a fact that is already well known to most people, and that is why office cleaning services exist.  Do not think that this is a cost, but look at it as an investment that would keep your people and your clients happy and productive.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” css=”.vc_custom_1538400352861{background: #047abc url(https://biz.sites123.us/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/footer_bg_image1.png?id=68) !important;}” el_class=”custom-footer”][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/6″][vc_icon icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-phone” color=”custom” custom_color=”#63de04″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”5/6″][vc_column_text]


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