
After-winter cleaning as a good season beginning

Spring is a great time for big house cleaning. A thick layer of the dust that covers almost whole the home area needs to be quickly removed! Unfortunately, it gathers not only in the superficial places, but also in these which are really hard to reach. That is why our cleaning needs to be really exact. What more should we pay attention to? To be honest, there are many things that should be done. To not forget about any of them, it’s important to make some kind of what-to-do list. It will enable us and our family spending a spring in an ordered and comfortable space.

Cleaning list is the key to success!

Starting with outside part of your house, pay your attention to the porch. Vacuum your doormats and clean the floors and railings with a wet mope or steam machine. Then, wait for the overcast day and take care of your windows. They surely require solid refreshment. Going to the kitchen, what about your sink? If you can’t kick it, try running a couple of lemon rinds through your garbage disposal. Then, follow with the cold water to dispel the smell. Run your reusable grocery bags through the washer – a lot of the dust could accumulate on them during the winter. Don’t use the ordinary dish soap to get rid of the countertops stains. It can possibly leave a dull film behind, therefore, professional sprays will be much safer. Salt or baking soda can be useful while refreshing your bathroom drains. Scrub your bathroom grout with a stiff brush – that will make a really huge difference. Remember about vacuuming whole your furniture and washing the curtains. And finally, get rid of everything what’s expired and unnecessary – free space can work wonders![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]